Rhine River Tours
Rhine River Tours

Wine Tasting

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the grapes in the vineyards you may have seen on your tour ? - This is the time to taste the lovely juice they made out of it :-)


More than 2000 years ago, the Romans carried wine roots to the Rhine River Valley which

we enjoy today as a fine Rhine wine.


Come to where Germany's largest and smallest wine areas meet up - Rheinhessen and Rheingau.


Here is where the Roman wine roots are enhanced by fine German winemakers.

You will get the story from the grape to the wine, everything around winemaking with a look inside the barrel.


Includes all the wine, snacks and a cruise on the river Rhine


Tour will last up to 3 hours.

The Real Thing!

Small Groups Only


We are open for Season 2024

Reservation      requested -

Please book in advance


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